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Dental Implants in Gainesville and Fairfax

Older couple with Gainesville dental implantsAre you looking for a permanent tooth replacement method? Dental implants are an excellent tooth replacement option to restore your smile's natural beauty while ensuring normal, comfortable function. Many patients prefer dental implants to dentures because dental implants won't slip, create no discomfort issues, and they can last forever. Dr. Bassiri provides complete dental implant services including: diagnosis, implant placement, creating the restoration teeth to fit securely onto the implants, and maintaining reconstruction. You won't have to see a specialist for implant surgery. The entire procedure will take place in our comfortable Fairfax or Gainesville dental office, with the dentist and dental team that you trust.

Dental Implants: The Best Way to Replace Missing Teeth

What Is the Dental Implant Process?

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After a thorough assessment, if Dr. Bassiri determines that you have sufficient bone tissue and good oral health, the process can begin. Dental implants require adequate bone structure for sturdy anchoring. The first stage of the procedure involves oral surgery in which a titanium post is implanted into the jaw. Nature will take its course, allowing your bone tissue to fuse with the titanium post. This creates a solid foundation.

Once the implants are secured, Dr. Bassiri will attach the prosthetic tooth/teeth to each post. The restorations will match your natural teeth and blend seamlessly with your smile. With dental implants, your teeth will look, function, and feel completely natural. Caring for dental implants is as simple as daily brushing and flossing, along with regular dental checkups and hygiene visits. If you take care of your implants, they can last a lifetime!

Implant-Supported Crowns Replace Single Teeth

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Dental implants can be used to replace any number of missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. If you have lost a single tooth and those around it are healthy, an implant-supported crown is the ideal solution for you. This option fills in the gap without altering the teeth that surround it, as is necessary with a traditional fixed bridge.

First, a single implant post will be placed in the empty socket where the tooth’s root was. A temporary crown may be placed in the time between implantation and restoration if the tooth is in the front of the smile. After the recovery process is complete several months later, the dental implant will have integrated with the jaw bone and will be ready to receive the permanent crown. You will return to our office for the placement of the final restoration.

Implant Dentures Create Impressive Stability

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In cases of more significant tooth loss, an implant denture is an excellent solution. Traditional dentures often slip or slide around, and many patients are unable to ever find a proper fit. This can lead to stress, frustration, and damaged self-confidence. Implant dentures, by comparison, stay sturdy and strong for years and years to come. These are a partial or complete set of teeth that are retained on sturdy implant posts. Implant dentures can be fixed or removable, depending on your unique case.

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What Is the Cost of Dental Implants?

The total cost of your dental implant procedure will depend on a few factors, including where in the smile the teeth are located, how healthy your jaw bone is in the lead up to the procedure, and, of course, how many teeth you are missing. Additional considerations, like extra sedation and anesthesia, will also play a factor in the cost of your surgery. The only way to know for sure what you can expect to pay is to schedule an appointment with our office!

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